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Journal Publications: Peer Reviewed

Walker, J.T. (in preparation). What Middle School Students Say about BioDesign Learning. 


Walker, J.T. (in preparation). A Case Study of Middle Schoolers’ Use of Context to Explain and Justify their Attitudes about Synthetic Biology 


Walker, J.T. (under review). Middle School Student Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Biotechnology.


Lui, D., Kafai, Y.B., Litts, B., Walker, J.T., Widman, S. (accepted). Pair Physical Computing: High School Students’ Practices and Perceptions of Collaborative Coding and Crafting with Electronic Textiles. Computer Science Education. 


Lui, D., Walker, J.T., Hanna, S., Kafai, Y. B., Fields, D., & Jayathirtha, G. (2019). Communicating computational concepts and practices within high school students’ portfolios of making electronic textiles. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-18.


Litts, B. K., Widman, S. A., Lui, D. A., Walker, J.T., & Kafai, Y. B. (2019). A Maker Studio Model for High School Classrooms: The Nature and Role of Critique in an Electronic Textiles Design Project. Teachers College Record, 121(9), n9.


Walker, J.T. (2018). Review of Our School: Searching for Community in an Era of Choice, By Sam Chaltain. The Journal of Negro Education. 87 (4), 460-462.


Litts, B.K., Kafai, Y.B., Lui, D., Walker, J.T., & Widman, S.A.. (2017). "Stitching Codeable Circuits: High School Students' Learning about Circuitry and Coding with Electronic Textiles.," Journal of Science Education and Technology., v.26, 2017, p. 494.


Conference Proceedings: Peer Reviewed

Walker, J.T., Slater, S., & Kafai, Y. (2019, June). A Scaled Analysis of How Minecraft Gamers Leverage YouTube Comment Boxes to Participate and Collaborate. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoue, E., Gweon, C. H., & Baker, M. (Eds.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Volume 1 (pp. 440-447). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.


Shaw, M., Walker, J., & Kafai, Y. (2019, June). Arguing about Synthetic Biology in 140 Characters or Less: Affordances of Microblogging for High School Students Discussions of Socioscientific Issues. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoue, E., Gweon, C. H., & Baker, M. (Eds.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Volume 1 (pp. 526-533). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.


Lui, D., Kafai, Y.B., Walker, J.T., Hanna, S., Hogan, K., Telhan, O. (2019, March). A Revaluation of How We Think about Making: Examining Assembly Practices and Artifact Imagination in Biomaking. In Proceedings of FabLearn 2019 (pp. 34-41). ACM.


Kafai, Y. B., Fields, D. A., Lui, D. A., Walker, J.T., Shaw, M. S., Jayathirtha, G., ... & Giang, M. T. (2019, February). Stitching the Loop with Electronic Textiles: Promoting Equity in High School Students' Competencies and Perceptions of Computer Science. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 1176-1182). ACM.


Walker, J. T., Shaw, M., Kafai, Y., & Lui, D. (2018, June). Biohacking Food: A Case Study of Science Inquiry and Design Reflections about a Synthetic Biology High School Workshop. In Kay, J. and Luckin, R. (Eds.) Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018, Volume 3. London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences.


Kafai, Y., Horn, M., Danish, J., Humburg, M., Tu, X., Davis, B., Georgen, C., Enyedy, N., Blikstein, P., Clegg, T., Byrne, V. L., Norooz, L., Kang, S., Froehlich, J., Walker, J.T., Lui, D., Anderson, E., Kafai, Y., Bumbacher, E., Washington, P., & Riedel-Kruse, I. (2018, June). Affordances of Digital, Textile and Living Media for Designing and Learning Biology in K-12 Education. In Kay, J. and Luckin, R. (Eds.) Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018, Volume 2. London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences.


Anderson, E., Walker, J., Kafai, Y. B., & Lui, D. (2017, August). The gender and race of pixels: an exploration of intersectional identity representation and construction within minecraft and its community. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (p. 17). ACM.


Litts, B. K., Lui, D. A., Widman, S. A., Walker, J.T., & Kafai, Y. B. (2017, June). Reflections on Pair E-Crafting: High School Students’ Approaches to Collaboration in Electronic Textiles Projects In Smith, B. K., Borge, M., Mercier, E., and Lim, K. Y. (Eds.). (2017). Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2017, Volume 2. Philadelphia, PA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.


Kafai, Y., Telhan, O., Hogan, K., Lui, D., Anderson, E., Walker, J.T., & Hanna, S. (2017, June). Growing designs with biomakerlab in high school classrooms. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 503-508). ACM.


Litts, B. K., Kafai, Y. B., Lui, D., Walker, J., & Widman, S. (2017, March) "Understanding High School Students' Reading, Remixing, and Writing Codeable Circuits for Electronic Textiles.," Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2017, p. 381-386. ACM.


Lui, D., Litts, B. K., Widman, S., Walker, J.T., & Kafai, Y. B. (2016, October). Collaborative Maker Activities in the Classroom: Case Studies of High School Student Pairs' Interactions in Designing Electronic Textiles. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Creativity and Fabrication in Education (pp. 74-77). ACM.


Conference Presentations: Peer Reviewed

Walker, J.T., & Kafai, Y.B. (2019, April). Designing Life in the 21st Century: A Review of High School Students’ Attitudes Toward Biotechnologies. Poster presentation at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.


Walker, J.T., Fields, D.A., Kafai, Y.B. Nakajima, T.M., Lui, D., Goode, J., Margolis, J.S., Jayathirtha, G., & Shaw, M. (2019, April). Scaling up Equity with E-Textiles: Stitch the Loop Unit Results in Exploring Computer Science. Poster presentation at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.


Fields, D.A., Kafai, Y.B., Shaw, M., Lui, D., Nakajima, T.M., Goode, J., Margolis, J.S., Jayathirtha, G., & Walker, J.T. (2019, April). Stitching the Loop: An E-Textiles Curriculum for Exploring Computer Science. Poster presentation at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.


Walker, J.T., Shaw, M.S., & Kafai, Y.B. (2019, March). bioCAKES: Making with Biology. Workshop Presented at Annual Fablearn Conference.


Lui, D., Walker, J.T., Jayathirthi, G., & Kafai, Y.B. (2018, April). Maker Process Portfolios: Looking at How Students Document Interdisciplinary E-Textiles Projects Within Digital Portfolios. Poster presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.


Anderson, E., Lui, D., Walker, J.T., & Kafai, Y.B. (2018, April). What is a Maker Mindset? Exploring 'Thinking Outside the Box' through E-Textiles and BioDesign Making. Poster presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.


Lui, D., Walker, J.T., Hanna, S., Hogan, K., Kafai, Y.B., & Telhan, O. (2017, October). Making with Biology: How to Grow Socially Responsive and Creative Designs with bioMAKERlab. Digital Media & Learning. Irvine, CA.


Litts, B.K., Lui, D., Walker, J.T.,  Widman, S., & Kafai, Y.B. (2017, April) Computational Circuitry: High School Student Code Circuits in Electronic Textile Designs. Poster presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.


Litts, B.K., Lui, D., Widman, S., Walker, J.T.,  & Kafai, Y.B. (2017, April) Science Lab as Maker Studio: Creating and Critiquing Electronic Textiles in a High School Class. Roundtable presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.


Litts, B.K., Kafai, Y.B., Lui, D., Widman, S., & Walker, J.T. (2017, April) Collaborative E- Crafting: Adopting Collectivistic Orientations Toward E-Textiles Maker Projects. Poster presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.


Book Chapters

Fields, D., Kafai, Y., Aguilera, E., Slater, S., & Walker, J.T. (accepted) Perspectives on Scales, Contexts and Directionality of Collaborations in and around Virtual Worlds and Video Games. In International Handbook of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.


Conference Presentations: Unrefereed 

Walker, J.T. & Kafai, Y.B. (October, 2018). Synthetic Biology Activities for K-12 Students. ‘18 Global Community Biosummit. MIT, Cambridge, MA.


Kafai, Y.B., Walker, J.T., Lui, D., Hogan, K., & Telhan, O. (2017, September). Kids as Biodesigners. ‘17 Global Community Biosummit. MIT, Cambridge, MA.


Walker, J.T. (2005, May) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Elicit Apoptosis in Colon Cancer Cells via Caspase-dependent Pathways. Poster presented at the Atlantic Coast Meeting of the Minds Conference, Coral Gables, FL.


Walker, J.T. (2004, July) Antiproliferative Effects of Natriuretic Peptides on Smooth Muscle Epithelial Cell hypertrophy. Leadership Alliance National Symposium, Chantilly, VA.


Organized Talks

Walker, J.T. (2019, February) Teaching BioDesign. Learn.Design.Compute with Bio Workshop. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 


Walker, J.T. (2018, February) Teaching BioCakes. Learn.Design.Bio Workshop. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 

Anderson, E. & Walker, J.T. (2017, April) Diversifying Barbie and Mortal Kombat: Where Are We Now?, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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